KIBOWAVI Local Service Provider (LSP) Volunteer delivering a special World Food Day Message to Guest of Honour Mr. Seleman Msigwa ( Mbozi Assistant DMO) carried a slogan “Kesho Njema inajengwa na lishe bora endelevu” whereby in Songwe Region it was conducted at Mbozi Dc – Iyula Ward. KIBOWAVI Project is being funded by European Union and HELVETAS Tanzania and being implemented by ADP Mbozi, CODERT and TAFOPA.
KIBOWAVI Local Service Provider (LSP) Volunteer delivering a special World Food Day Message to Guest of Honour Mr. Seleman Msigwa ( Mbozi Assistant DMO) carried a slogan "Kesho Njema inajengwa na lishe bora endelevu" whereby in Songwe Region it was conducted at Mbozi Dc – Iyula Ward. KIBOWAVI Project is being funded by European Union and HELVETAS Tanzania and being implemented by ADP Mbozi, CODERT and TAFOPA.