Actions for Development Programs Mbozi


Together We Save Communities


Food security in the context of climate change and nutrition improved.

a) Increasing crop and livestock production.
b) Strengthening post harvest practices
c) Improving food budgeting at household level
d) Improving nutrition status at household level
e) Promoting appropriate farming technologies

Entrepreneurship and market accessibility enhanced

a) Strengthening Producers’ marketing groups and associations.
b) Promoting business development skills.
c) Promoting access to markets information by producers.
d) Enhancing Producers’ and traders’ linkage.
e) Enhancing access to Financial Services

Enhanced community empowerment in dealing with children, gender, HIV/AIDS, and Good Governance

a) Promoting rights and security of children.
b) Promoting gender equality and equity.
c) Enhancing HIV / AIDS prevention and Impact mitigation including O/MVC support.
d) Enhancing Good governance.

The governance and management capacity of ADP Mbozi strengthened in order to operate efficiently and effectively.

a) Enhancing financial capacity of ADP Mbozi.
b) Improving policies, systems and procedures.
c) Improving human resource.
d) Improving storage and retrieval of information.
e) Enhancing networking and collaboration.
f) Enhancing publicity of ADP Mbozi

About Us

In 1985 there occurred a serious famine in many parts of Southern Tanzania including Mbozi district as a result of which the Mbozi District Council contracted a consultant to find out what was the cause and how best to deal with the same.  The survey findings highlighted low utilization of agricultural technology, inadequate extension staff and inadequate supply of agricultural inputs as the main causes.

Our Values

  • Commitment
  • Sharing out
  • Transparency
  • Trustworthy

About ADP Mbozi

Actions for Development Programmes – Mbozi (ADP-Mbozi) is a registered national NGO with its headquarters based in Vwawa, Songwe region. The organization was officially registered on 10th October 2005 under Non Governmental Organization’s  (NGO) Act number 24 of 2002, section 11(3) Act.

Intergrated Food Security Project in Songwe

Tumaini’s Journey

Tumaini’s journey is a testament to the life-changing effects of the Integrated Food Security Project,